AGO Membership
The mission of the American Guild of Organists is to foster a thriving community of musicians who share their knowledge and inspire passion for the organ.
The vision of the American Guild of Organists is to engage, support, and uplift every organist.
As a member of the American Guild of Organists you can:
connect with other organists
enhance your skills as an organist and choral conductor
celebrate the organ in historic and evolving contexts
discover news of the organ and choral world online and in The American Organist
nurture new organists of all ages
share knowledge and expertise
enjoy camaraderie at chapter events and conventions
find inspiration and challenge
receive encouragement from colleagues
experience great organs and organists
access career opportunities and job listings
earn professional credentials through AGO certification
The American Guild of Organists is comprised of more than 300 Chapters located across the United States and abroad. Chapter membership allows you to get to know and work with other organists in Central Indiana, the Great Lakes Region, and nationally. Membership is open to everyone, regardless of denominational affiliation or musical ability. Member activities and benefits include:
Annual subscription to The American Organist
Access to national job postings
Eligibility for high-quality insurance plans for health, car, home, and professional liability at competitive rates
Discounts on AGO convention fees and educational resources
Discounts on Certification exam fees
Chapter events such as recitals, workshops, meetings, and seminars
Voting privileges in officer elections
Chapter Member Dues
Note: Figures in parentheses represents the portion of dues received by the national office (first) and the chapter (second).
Regular: $100 (61/39)
Special (age 65 or over,under 21, or disabled): $75 (43.50/31.50)
Partner (2nd member at same address, no TAO): $75 (36/39)
Full-time Student (with student id): $40 (27/13)
Dual Chapter (paid to second chapter)*: $39 (0/39)
Student Dual (paid to second chapter)*: $13 (0/13)
Chapter Friend (non-voting, non-organists): $39 (0/39)
Lifetime member: $3,000
*To be a Dual or Student Dual member at a second chapter, you must be a Regular, Special, Partner, or Student member of a Primary chapter.
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